Thursday, May 1, 2014

Random tidbit- family

So here's the family tree:

Twilight Sparkle   Mundy
       Phoenix Pit   Full Sky(Cosmic Maine)   Specter Atomis
                           ???   Chameleon Petals Sunny Foliage Shivering Leaves   Ripples
                                 ^                                                                            ^
                        Nightly Frost                                                           Calm Weather 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Characters part two

Let's see...

Lonely Learner- The Pegasus that makes a friend out of Cosmic during her 998th life. Met during high school and is now a retired mercenary with his husband Cozy fix and their adopted daughter.

Skunk Nose- Old friend of Lonely, Cosmic, and Specter during their teenage years (the 998 life of Cosmic's). Now a professional doctor with a giant family.

Cotton Colt- A young demi god half-brother of Cosmic's that helps her learn how to properly control magic alongside Star Swirl.

Mundy's pups- All the children Mundy has ever fathered. Seriously, there's a lot.

Power Primate- A god that is brother to Mundy and resides in another dimension. Is one of the original 7 gods of the universes.

Hawking Heroism- A goddess that hides in the universe of Hyrule. One of the original 7 gods.

Dragon Dynasty- The god that resides in the universe of Warriors. One of the 7 gods.

Corgi Corrupted- The second born goddess that lives in the universe of TMNT. One of the 7 gods.

Horse Honesty- The youngest god of the original 7 and resides in the land of Equestria whilst partially its name comes from the element of honesty when denied a name.

Cotton Wisp- A spirited earth mare that travels towards to cotton fields to assure a successful harvest disguised as old stallion.

Vine Flower- A old Pegasus mare that lives within the old Everfree Forest. Stays with her pets and concocts mixtures to do various things.

Mortimer- A son of Mundy's who disguises as a Equestian guard to make sure his grandfather BEAST doesn't cause chaos and ruin the world.

BEAST- The dark equivalent of its light based god sister Griffon Grand. Its corrupted mind is bent on controlling every dimension in existence. Originally was a black panther shaped god named Panther Parallel. But strange occurrences changed its mental state, physical form, and gender.

Griffon Grand- The first god(ess) to be born. Governs over the godlands and dimensions that are might lighthearted. Eventually steals dimensions from it's sibling because of all the light heartedness one world contains. Much like the original 2010 Equestria, late 90's TMNT, etc.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Character list

Cosmic Maine- Main character of the story. Formerly princess Full Sky but banished to live a thousand lives until she it able to return and take the throne from her sister.

Phoenix Pit- Antagonist of the story. The greedy older sister of Full Sky's. Causes her sister to turn dark and got her banished. She resides the richest ruler in history with the poorest population.

Twilight Sparkle- The queen of Equestria. Mother of Phoenix Pit and Full Sky. Tricked by a 80,000,000 year old god and given birth to the princesses. Banished Full Sky to live a thousand lives so her younger daughter could learn and train to be strong enough to take the throne from the older princess.

Mundy- The god and actual father of Phoenix Pit and Full Sky. Goes along the way to teach his daughter Full Sky techniques to help her take back the throne.

Flash Sentry- The deceased king of Equestria. The fake father of the princesses.

Spectacle Judge- The embodiment of the element of honesty, part of the Knights of Harmony. Gives up his form in orders to immortalize Cosmic's love.

Rainbow Split- The embodiment of the element of loyalty, part of the Knights of Harmony. Used to love Full Sky during his teenage years.

Whisper- The embodiment of the element of kindness, part of the Knights of Harmony. Leads the team because, well, he's the oldest.

Knightly Pie- The embodiment of the element of laughter, part of the Knights of Harmony. Usually sneaks out to get fresh air and search for the younger princess.

Diamond Glaze- The embodiment of the element of generosity, part of the Knights of Harmony. Tags along with Knightly and saves the pink pony's butt time to time.

Specter Atomis- Cosmic's love that gains the knight of honesty role. First met her when sailing for new land and saved by the mermare version of Cosmic when the ship crashed by pirates.

part one

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cosmic's curse chapter one: Relationships

Chapter one

It was a strange fight many moons late, powers beyond any one's control rushing throw on single being and yet being defeated by one of the same strength. Cosmic lost to Phoenix Pit during an attempt to dethrone the older princess. And during the dying years, Equestria had forgotten the younger princess all together...

"Cosmic... Oi Cosmic!" It had been almost her 1000th life, so close but to her so far. "Cosmic not this again, I told you 'yes, you can train with me' but that means you also have to train while you're not in school, it's summer for *Celestia's sake!"

A tall rusty red unicorn with a muddy brown mane, side burns, and tail stared at thick gray blankets covering the weak, leaning bed and the mare hiding underneath the layers. His name is *Mundy, well his last name is Mundy but he never told the mare his first name.

He reached over and tugged the blankets off, one by one. "You're lucky I'm not usin' me magic!" another layer off. "You're definitely runnin' this mornin'!" shedding all the layers just showed some groggy white *alicorn mare with a tangle mane and tail to more or so explain her tired demeanor. She lifted her head from the drool stained pillow and shyly smiled to Mundy. He only stared his mouth curved into a frown as Cosmic threw herself off the bed.

"Morning Mundy." she tried to walk past him but her tail was caught under his front left hoof.

"You have a good reason for sleepin' in on your *smoko?" He levitated her back to face him.

"Well it's you know my free time and you know, juggling homework and sniping lessons and learning survival skills is hard for a mare to do all at once so can I least has a week or so to hang out with my friends? Do what I want for once?" the smile on her face grew in desperation. She knew Mundy's strict, she knew for years as he took her in as daughter and apprentice.

"You really want my decision?" he loomed over her.

"Um.. Yes?"

"Is that a question?" he asked.


"Then do you want my decision?"


"Ol' right then... sure." he pushed her out the door to the the bathroom. "Besides your friends are here askin' where you are."

"SPEC'S HERE!?" Cosmic ran in for Mundy to face plant in front of the doorway, "Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

"Tryin' to impress the boy?" he got up in time for the slam to slam in his face, just still frowning.

"Trying? More like failing to even attempt!" she lifted the brush from the counter. "Oh my god dad, why didn't you just say that they were here?"

"I thought you'd wanted to do what you wanted for once?" he got the door to open with her giving him a glare before closing the door again to brush her teeth, "Besides, you need the air."

"Gee thanks." mouth stuffed with minty acid, she spat out and sloshed water to rid of the excess paste. "Now I'm wasting more time to get ready than I should."

"I don't see why." he opened the door this time and used telekinesis to lift a towel for her. "And you better hurry!"

She shoved her face in the towel and threw it back to Mundy. "I better will." she trotted past him and slid on the stair rail to the first floor of their little hobbit home. "I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"About time!" *Skunk Nose, *Lonely Learner, and Specter Atomis all waited by the front door. Skunk pretty much said hello to his 'lil sis' by giving her a noogie. "I was wondering when you'd get up."

"Blame my dad, he didn't tell me you guys were here until our entire conversation was worthless." she hugged the gray coated, black striped stallion with purple eyes and looked to Lonely. "Lonely you're looking smashing as ever."

"Thank you darlin'" with the soft southern voice he replied. Yep always smashing with his clean white coat, blue clear eyes, and curly golden mane and matching tail. And to Specter, the mint green coat, iris-less light green eyes, and dark forest green mane with electric blue highlights. "So are you ready for today dear?"

"Yep! What's the plan?" she pulled the last two of the group in for a quick hug. "Beside being witnesses to my rushed morning."

"We're finally seeing that awful movie we wanted to see last time." Specter nuzzled Cosmic's cheek. "Thought it'd be nice since we were interrupted the last time."

This was the schedule. Wake up, live life, die, reincarnate, repeat. Sometimes there'll be love or torture in between but besides that would be nothing else. The natural curse Cosmic must endure as welting memories fell atop it.

"*Nightmare Moon was a dangerous villain against Equestria. She tried over 5000 years ago to capture the entire world in her eternal night." remembering the tall purple alicorn that was her mother walking down the grand halls and retell the tale of the mare that once threatened the kingdom.

"Mother, can anypony else become Nightmare Moon?" Phoenix had been just been too interested in the darkness.

"Yes. It had happened to my friend Rarity when the darkness had been looking for a new host, but it has been to scared to resurface."

Oh I knew why she wanted to learn of the darkness. She expected me to turn.

*Celestia- The first princess of the day/sun. Elder sister of Princess Luna.
*Mundy- Mentor of Cosmic Maine/Full Sky. Ex-mercenary of RED(Reliable Excavation and Demolition) and Ponny. Co. He's more than just a pony...
*Alicorn- a species in the pony population that is considered royalty as they have wings of a pegasus, horn of a unicorn, and body of a earth pony.
*Smoko- Australian slang for "taking a break". In Mundy and Cosmic's case, Summer vacation.
*Skunk Nose- a zebra-unicorn hybrid that is in the rebel group in the high school him and the other members of his posse are attending
*Lonely Learner- a popular homosexual pegasus stallion that finds more company with Cosmic, Specter, and Skunk other than those in his social group in high school.
*Specter Atomis- A surprisingly handsome pegasus stallion that is stationed in the 'nerd' population of high school but is accepted by his closest friends. He apparently has a thing for the high school loner Cosmic...
*Nightmare Moon- Was once Princess Luna but had grown jealous of her sister Celestia and attempted to control all of Equestria.

Cosmic's curse Prologue: Cused for a thousand lives


Little to nothing power when first born into Equestria, Cosmic, firstly named Full Sky, had only wished to know why her sister, Phoenix Pit, was such a brat. It was only during their filly years that Cosmic felt not included with her sister's play time of that she was confused. Everyone was allowed to play with the older princess, but not her. She fell into a glum, and over years depression, and even in months anger. Feeling left out by your own family isn't so nice for a child to experience. Never. She'd try coming up to her mother's room and try to coax the Queen to watch her work the stars in the sky, to see them shine and twinkle but the Queen turned a blind eye foolishly. Full Sky didn't have any friends truthfully, she'd coax a guard to be childish now and then, get at least an hour to talk and act like a normal kid. But the guard would go on and the filly would find herself alone without a person to at least make her feel like she was alive...

Long she hid away from the dark life she possessed, growing angry at the civilization and the ponies that were her subjects. She'd always growl "Why now?" as she raised the moon and stars to see all hide away in their homes. Growls turned to snarls, anger turned her blind. She'd raise the moon, she let her subjects sleep, but she grew tired and bored with only raising something that had the strength to raise itself every evening.

Blind as I said, she turned into something heartless, something dark, something neglected. She pulled files from every corner of her work to find one fault that has been done without her doing and grew even angrier when she had. For the past hundred years her sister had been a gluttonous brat. More prices raised, more bills passed out. Full Sky could only look outside at night in her secluded tower of which sadly she could not find any difference like before. The dark night overhead felt dull, all that she had tried had died out as no one stayed outside or glanced outside their windows to see.

Even during the Winter solstice, no one came to see her rise the moon.

She felt like giving up, "Nothing would be better than to give the moon back to Grandmother Luna." she proposed. To that day she promised to leave the moon to its own accord she flew off to whatever place she found inhabited and at least blow off some steam.

But town after town, all places she had seen in the past thriving had died out like her hope. Landing in one town in particular, the farms had been sold out by companies, grass barely grew, orphanages and homeless shelters filled to the brim, she had only needed one piece of evidence to reveal why such a beautiful place had fallen into ruin.

A notice.

A single notice on the town hall doors, nailed in on the empty building was the most ludicrous note of higher taxes she'd ever seen. "a thousand bits every month... That amount should be for only an entire year."

She'd only have to fly back now to Canterlot and put two and two together.

And it was more than two and two. More like a million and a million stamped into every corner possible. the floor's littered with gold, throne bigger than life and for Celestia's sake, that bratty older sister of her's.

"Sister? Why is this happening?"

"Haven't you heard Sky? Canterlot is the most richest capital in all of Equestria!"

Full Sky combed up the stairs with a tired glaze over her eyes. "But our country is dying because of all these taxes!"

"So? Pick off the thin strips of this wretched country and all you have left are the ones who can survive." Phoenix Pit stood up from her solid gold throne with encrusted jewels. "Besides, mother won't mind."

"She will when she finds out you've been killing Equestria all these years!"

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

change in schedule

Since I can't find myself interested in creepypasta no longer other than to listen to the strange stories, I've decided to put myself on a new type of spot and make this more about the present me other than the past me. For a new I will be posting tidbits of what my favorite cartoon shows most likely My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. This show first popped up on the hub channel in 2010 and has made many fans since the first episode.

And for being a mlp blog now I think this would be a nice time to tell out the entire story of my main muse pony

Cosmic Maine.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

BEN drowned (part 1/??)

You can tell I'm not playing here.

BEN Drowned is a creepy pasta that is probably the most creepiest out there. It's not true as the creator stated. The video's are made by the writer of the original story. But this is true gem of video game horror.

To let you in on more of the game this completely messed up statue isn't originally called BEN. It's a statue in Majora's Mask that is summoned when you play the "elegy of sadness". along with this statue is other various ones that appear like the main transformation you have in the game like:

When you are playing , transformed as a zora a fish like mermaid character in the game you look like this

But when played the elegy of emptiness with the zora instrument (which is called the guitar of waves)you get a depressing statue that looks like this
Zora Statue

When taken into affect this happens to all three of Link's transformations.
Goron Link statue
Goron Statue
And Deku sprout Link statue

File:Deku Statue.png

But when plating the "elegy of emptiness" on the ocarina as Link though will give you the Link statue (of which in the creepypasta is called BEN)
Link Statue

As more insight on the creepy factor the inanimate object give, It's actually lighter than the actual game...

Majora's Mask is a dark game that is rumored to be a dark story altogether. From Link really being dead to the entire world representing the Kubler-Ross Model of Grief.

What is the Kubler-Ross Model of Grief?

It's a confrontation with death that is normally acted upon with:

The first step is to act denial, almost like your brushing it off like it never happened or won't happen. Much like when you hear a family member died but you're in denial. You won't believe that person I'd dead and expect to see them soon rather then believe what you are told.

When you find that what they say is true you might be a bit angry, maybe at yourself or at others, but the true anger is that that person is dead and you are going to only act with anger. Unable to truly comprehend your emotion and will lash out at your family or even your friends.

With bargaining it's maybe you, you see no way to bring back your dead family member, you sometime find yourself putting some desperate faith or trust in religion that could possibly bring back the one who died.

Depression is about the worst. You know you can't bring back your loved on and it feels just awful. You ever shut yourself away? Ever just felt like crying? It's a natural act of Depression that just tears you apart.

But in the end you learn to accept death. Acceptance is the best for you, naturally when the four stages have passed and you've seen the affects you realize that you fell better, you no longer deny the person is alive, you're no longer lashing out, no more are you trying to put faith or even trying anything to bring them back, and you're no longer crying over them... for now. You accept the truth and upon finding relief in you painful experience.