Thursday, April 10, 2014

Characters part two

Let's see...

Lonely Learner- The Pegasus that makes a friend out of Cosmic during her 998th life. Met during high school and is now a retired mercenary with his husband Cozy fix and their adopted daughter.

Skunk Nose- Old friend of Lonely, Cosmic, and Specter during their teenage years (the 998 life of Cosmic's). Now a professional doctor with a giant family.

Cotton Colt- A young demi god half-brother of Cosmic's that helps her learn how to properly control magic alongside Star Swirl.

Mundy's pups- All the children Mundy has ever fathered. Seriously, there's a lot.

Power Primate- A god that is brother to Mundy and resides in another dimension. Is one of the original 7 gods of the universes.

Hawking Heroism- A goddess that hides in the universe of Hyrule. One of the original 7 gods.

Dragon Dynasty- The god that resides in the universe of Warriors. One of the 7 gods.

Corgi Corrupted- The second born goddess that lives in the universe of TMNT. One of the 7 gods.

Horse Honesty- The youngest god of the original 7 and resides in the land of Equestria whilst partially its name comes from the element of honesty when denied a name.

Cotton Wisp- A spirited earth mare that travels towards to cotton fields to assure a successful harvest disguised as old stallion.

Vine Flower- A old Pegasus mare that lives within the old Everfree Forest. Stays with her pets and concocts mixtures to do various things.

Mortimer- A son of Mundy's who disguises as a Equestian guard to make sure his grandfather BEAST doesn't cause chaos and ruin the world.

BEAST- The dark equivalent of its light based god sister Griffon Grand. Its corrupted mind is bent on controlling every dimension in existence. Originally was a black panther shaped god named Panther Parallel. But strange occurrences changed its mental state, physical form, and gender.

Griffon Grand- The first god(ess) to be born. Governs over the godlands and dimensions that are might lighthearted. Eventually steals dimensions from it's sibling because of all the light heartedness one world contains. Much like the original 2010 Equestria, late 90's TMNT, etc.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Character list

Cosmic Maine- Main character of the story. Formerly princess Full Sky but banished to live a thousand lives until she it able to return and take the throne from her sister.

Phoenix Pit- Antagonist of the story. The greedy older sister of Full Sky's. Causes her sister to turn dark and got her banished. She resides the richest ruler in history with the poorest population.

Twilight Sparkle- The queen of Equestria. Mother of Phoenix Pit and Full Sky. Tricked by a 80,000,000 year old god and given birth to the princesses. Banished Full Sky to live a thousand lives so her younger daughter could learn and train to be strong enough to take the throne from the older princess.

Mundy- The god and actual father of Phoenix Pit and Full Sky. Goes along the way to teach his daughter Full Sky techniques to help her take back the throne.

Flash Sentry- The deceased king of Equestria. The fake father of the princesses.

Spectacle Judge- The embodiment of the element of honesty, part of the Knights of Harmony. Gives up his form in orders to immortalize Cosmic's love.

Rainbow Split- The embodiment of the element of loyalty, part of the Knights of Harmony. Used to love Full Sky during his teenage years.

Whisper- The embodiment of the element of kindness, part of the Knights of Harmony. Leads the team because, well, he's the oldest.

Knightly Pie- The embodiment of the element of laughter, part of the Knights of Harmony. Usually sneaks out to get fresh air and search for the younger princess.

Diamond Glaze- The embodiment of the element of generosity, part of the Knights of Harmony. Tags along with Knightly and saves the pink pony's butt time to time.

Specter Atomis- Cosmic's love that gains the knight of honesty role. First met her when sailing for new land and saved by the mermare version of Cosmic when the ship crashed by pirates.

part one